Categories: Media Coverage

The Public Safety Foundation


Rory Geoghegan, a former police officer who founded the Public Safety Foundation, writes in The Telegraph:

“If our politicians and institutions can’t even get tough on those roaming our streets with deadly weapons, there seems little prospect of a crackdown on criminal social media crazes. And the danger now is that, as the lenient consequences of such crazes are found out, they become a viral phenomenon – maybe as contagious as the disruptive climate change protests, but worse. We have got to watch out for these copycats.

The whole thing feeds into a crisis of justice and policing in Britain. Now more than ever, our political leaders need to realign themselves with the overwhelming law-abiding majority. They need to get tough on crime, tough on criminals, and commit to ensuring that criminal justice institutions are adequately resourced and up for the fight.”

Read the full article in The Telegraph here.

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