Categories: Weekly Roundup

The Public Safety Foundation


Every week we do our best to pick out some of the best crimefighting activity from across the UK. This week is no different, with examples from Essex to Humberside.

Traffic Stop of the Week

Proof were any needed that thieves are often prolific – in this case the driver of the vehicle was wanted for 36 separate thefts in Luton. Even this is likely the tip of the iceberg – with many more crimes either unreported or undetected. It again highlights that criminals use the road network and cross force boundaries. Great work from Essex and Bedfordshire Police.

Community Payback

Cleaner streets are safer streets. That’s why we pick on an example of Community Payback each week where convicted criminals are sentenced to unpaid work. On this occasion probation had them cleaning up public spaces in Kent.

Arrest of the Week

Cops in Leicestershire had a great result when they stopped this suspect for driving while using his mobile phone – only to uncover a laundry list of further criminality. Great work!

Stop and Search

Police are taking dangerous knives off the streets every day. This great stop and search was conducted by police in Barking, resulting in the person carrying it being arrested. Knife crime is horrendous and so it’s vital we support the police to use their powers to tackle those who think it acceptable to carry and use illegal weapons on our streets.

Warrants and Raids

Brilliant work from Humberside Police who raided an address and recovered a stolen JCB telehandler. The theft of plant equipment like this does huge damage to the economy and can really impact on businesses, rural communities, and others who rely on such equipment to sustain their livelihoods.

If you’d like to see the work of you or your team featured in the Weekly Roundup, please connect with us via our social media, or drop us an email.

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