Categories: Weekly Roundup

The Public Safety Foundation


The final week of March saw more great police work focused on making our streets and neighbourhoods safer – from Westminster, to Bilston, and on as far as Glasgow.

Traffic Stops

The problem of so-called “hippy crack” (nitrous oxide) has been growing and it is sadly not uncommon for some road users to even consume it immediately before or while driving a vehicle. In this case, eagle-eyed traffic officers in central London stopped the driver of this Rolls Royce, to find him using the stuff. The police officers rightly seized his vehicle for no insurance and reported him for illegal window tints. Good work!

Stop and Search

Stop and search is often described as a controversial power, but these officers in Glasgow made great use of the power to take a dangerous knife and the young man carrying it off the streets. Glasgow, often-cited as a case study in how to reduce violent crime without relying on enforcement, actually increased stop and search and also increased prison sentences during the time period – as a key part of the efforts to tackle violence. Good to see police in Glasgow not shying away from using their powers to deal with those who put us all at risk!

Warrants and Raids

In the West Midlands, in Bilston, police raided an address with good results – seizing weapons, drugs, and arresting two people. It’s vital that when residents report drug dealing that police respond swiftly and robustly, as in this case – raiding the address and dealing with those involved in the criminality. Drugs do enormous harm to our neighbourhoods and young people. Great work from the cops taking out these dealers.

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