Categories: Weekly Roundup

The Public Safety Foundation


As we enter July, there has been no let up in the fight against crime and disorder – from as far afield as Ongar to Cowdenbeath! Well done to all those police officers, staff, and dogs featured this week – as well as our usual commendation to probation for their work on using Community Payback to make our streets cleaner and safer.

Traffic Stop of the Week

This week’s traffic stop revelas the value that comes from proactive policing, teamwork, and good intelligence support. After officers stopped a stolen car in Ongar, they were soon on the case of an organised crew, recovering a number of high-value stolen vehicles in shipping containers.

Foot Patrol of the Week

Spending time on foot patrol helps keep the public and police connected, and helps the police prevent and detect crime. This week we shine a light on Police Constable Joone and Special Constable Warburton who were out and about on foot on the south of the Isle of Man! Great work keeping the streets safe and connecting with the public!

Community Payback

Cleaner streets really are safer streets and so it was great to see probation in Teesside putting convicted criminals to work cleaning up Thornaby, where they removed fly-tipped rubbish and helped make the area cleaner and safer.

Arrest of the Week

Police Dog Zero and colleagues receive our arrest of the week, after Miss Zero tracked a suspected burglar for almost an hour, enabling an arrest to be made. Sending PD Zero and her colleagues the very best for helping make our streets safer!

Police Dog of the Week

Another day, another great bit of work from a police dog! This time it was Police Dog Stan who helped with a search warrant in Kelty, where a quantity of class A and class C drugs were found, and an arrest was made. Thank you PD Stan and colleagues!

Stop and Search

Another demonstration of how vital stop and search is to making our streets safer – with this example from Fulham where local officers detained a man who produced a sword as he ran from officers. He was ultimately arrested for possession of the sword, obstructing a drug ssearch, and possession with intent to supply Class A drugs.

Warrants and Raids

Brilliant work in Harlesden executing a drugs warrant and closing down a problem premises. Closure Orders are a vital tool to help stamp out crime and disorder. Good to see the team in Harlesden putting their warrant and their closure order to good use!

If you’d like to see the work of you or your team featured in the Weekly Roundup, please connect with us via our social media, or drop us an email.

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