Categories: Weekly Roundup

The Public Safety Foundation


Another great week of crime-fighting from police officers across the country – from Witham to Scunthorpe. It’s a week that saw firearms recovered, drunk and disqualified drivers charged and remanded, and a major clean-up in Peterborough.

Traffic Stop of the Week

Drunk drivers make our roads much less safe and so it was great to see Northamptonshire Police’s traffic cops catch up with one driver who was way over the drink drive limit and – it turned out – was already disqualified from driving. Brilliant work making our streets safer.

Foot Patrol of the Week

Police on foot are accessible, approachable and visible – and Special Sergeant Simon Jesse in Witham epitomises the sort of local presence and commitment that helps build trust and confidence in policing. A huge shout out to Essex Police and their Special Constables in Witham.

Community Payback

We know that cleaner streets are safer streets, and so it was brilliant to see probation in Peterborough ensuring that Community Payback has been contribtuing to the effort to clean up the streets – of litter, drug paraphernalia, and more besides.

Stop and Search

Police officers in the West Midlands recovered a loaded 9mm handgun when they stopped a vehicle following a road rage incident. Proactive policing, confident in the use of their powers, undoubtedly makes our streets safer by taking such dangerous weaponry off our streets.

Warrants and Raids

Cannabis is often presented as a soft-drug – but that’s a grave misrepresentation. It’s all the more pleasing that police in Scunthorpe took the opportunity this week to take £25,000 worth of cannabis off the streets after raiding an address on Doncaster Road.

If you’d like to see the work of you or your team featured in the Weekly Roundup, please connect with us via our social media, or drop us an email.

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