Categories: Media Coverage

The Public Safety Foundation


The final report of the Casey Review into the Metropolitan Police has been published. Our Founder, Rory Geoghegan, has called for the Review to be used to kick off a long overdue turnaround of the Met and to reboot the fight against crime and disorder in the capital.

The full report is available for download here and the full op-ed published by LBC can be found here.

Selected extracts are repeated below:

The Review’s hundreds of pages will need to be properly digested and acted upon, but police chiefs and politicians must do all they can to ensure that the fight against crime and disorder and support for good cops isn’t lost sight of, but seen as essential and complementary – and resourced appropriately.

Some of the most serious offences we see committed on our streets are the product of criminals going undetected, or otherwise permitted to continue and escalate their offending, with devastating consequences.

They should use the Casey Review as a bunker-buster, to demolish and blast through the barriers and blockers that get in the way of delivering the world-class policing that Londoners pay for, expect, and deserve.

The response from everyone must also consider that we need good police officers – they are essential to the functioning of our society. In rightly excising the bad, care must be taken to not jettison or deter the good.

Read the full article here:


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