Categories: Media Coverage

The Public Safety Foundation


The Public Safety Foundation’s Founder, Rory Geoghegan, writes for The Telegraph:

We should expect this law to embolden criminals, to empower and encourage them to assault police, to lead them on dangerous pursuits, and to encourage or exploit others into doing the same – safe in the knowledge that the only consequence will be an ineffectual suspended sentence.

Those with good sense on the Left and Right should be in agreement on this. Margaret Thatcher remarked that “to protect the citizen as he goes about his lawful business should be the prime duty of government”, while Sir Tony Blair described it as a “miscarriage of justice … when courts don’t have the secure places to put people.”

Running out of prison places should be a never-event. With a general election looming the Prime Minister doesn’t have long to evidence his good sense on law and order. If now isn’t the time for bold action to deliver on this core duty of government, when is?

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