Categories: Weekly Roundup

The Public Safety Foundation


This week saw the Coronation of Their Majesties the King and Queen in London, but it also saw more great crimefighting work from all over the UK – from Malvern to Glasgow.

Foot Patrol of the Week

PC Stanley and PC Tredwell were out in force at the Upton-upon-Severn Folk Festival, doing some good old-fashioned foot patrol. The public love to see police officers on foot patrol, looking smart, with a smile – while remaining vigilant for crime and disorder. Great job from these officers.

Community Payback

It is well-evidenced that cleaner streets are safer streets – and so it was great to see Community Payback being used as part of action in Liverpool to clean up waste and flytipping. Brilliant work from all those involved, making Liverpool safer!

Stop and Search

Police officers in Glasgow were patrolling on their off-road bikes when they stopped two teenagers who they found to be in possession of drugs and knives. Taking these items and weapons off the streets will have undoubtedly helped make Glasgow safer that night. Brilliant example of how stop and search takes weapons and those carrying off the streets, and makes us all safer.


Our arrest of the week goes to police who dealt with an organised crime group suspected of grooming and trafficking Bulgarian women into the UK. The group were arrested for a number of serious offences. A reminder that crime crosses borders, and so it’s vital that we police them.

Warrants and Raids

Finally, a great result from police in the West Midlands who raided an address and recovered a firearm, with a man arrested, charged and remanded for possession of it. Gun crime inflicts a heavy toll on neighbourhoods, and so it is great to see the police in the West Midlands taking this gun off the street – and putting the carrier behind bars.

If you’d like to see the work of you or your team featured in the Weekly Roundup, please connect with us via our social media, or drop us an email.

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