Categories: Weekly Roundup

The Public Safety Foundation


We are determined to make the UK the safest place to live, work, and raise a family. Over the last week, we’ve seen some great examples of work underway to make our streets safer – from Beaconsfield to Sunderland, and Tower Hamlets to Shrewsbury.

Arrest of the Week

Down in Kent this week, eagle-eyed security guards alerted police officers to a man acting suspiciously at the Bluewater Shopping Centre. He was swiftly arrested and subsequently pleaded guilty at court for taking photographs up skirts. Disgusting behaviour and great to see a swift apprehension and good teamwork bringing this offender to justice. Hopefully he will receive the sort of sentence that will cause him to change his ways, and protect the public from further criminality.

Stop and Search

Another great stop and search – this week in Tower Hamlets – where police officers on proactive patrol saw a male acting suspiciously in a car. On searching they found a large knife – and promptly arrested the man for it. There is no excuse for carrying such weaponry on our streets. Those who are opposed to stop and search would rather we live in a world in which individuals are free to carry such weaponry with impunity. That cannot be right. We applaud these officers for using their powers to make the streets of Tower Hamlets safer!

Traffic Stops and Roads Policing

Traffic police in Beaconsfield hit the jackpot when they stopped a van that looked overweight. Inside, they found dozens of power tools. These tools are often stolen from tradespeople, garages, and garden sheds. The impact on tradespeople can be enormous – preventing them from doing their work and earning income. This is undoubtedly a great stop by the cops, but also highlights how criminals seek to use fake documents to avoid and evade being caught. Good on the officers for spotting this van and the dodgy documents.

Foot Patrol

It’s a well-known fact that the public generally love to see police officers on foot, walking the beat. This week we give a shout out to PC Spiers and PC Lee in Shrewsbury. They are regularly on patrol in the town centre – dealing with criminals, including those who steal from shops and small businesses. We applaud them for their work.

Cleaner Streets are Safer Streets

Community Payback involves convicted criminals being required to undertake unpaid work. The best use of this unpaid work is cleaning up the streets and other public spaces. This week we shine a light on the work in Sunderland where the probation team have had them removing graffiti from the rubbish bins at the Silksworth Sports Complex and Ski Slope. Clean streets and public spaces are safer streets and public spaces. Great work!

If you’d like to see the work of you or your team featured in the Weekly Roundup, please connect with us via our social media, or drop us an email.

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