Categories: Media Coverage

The Public Safety Foundation


Our Founder commented on the latesr crime statistics for England and Wales:

Rory Geoghegan, a former police officer, former No 10 adviser and founder of the Public Safety Foundation, said: “These figures show that nobody can afford to be complacent about crime – with increases in robbery, vehicle crime, knife crime and firearms.

“But the completion of the police uplift and more crime-fighting leadership is beginning to bear fruit, with the first signs of a reversal of the long-running decline in charge rates.

“Dreadfully low detection rates do however make it all the more important that prison capacity is expanded. Criminals tend to be prolific and persistent, and every conviction provides an opportunity to significantly cut crime and protect the public.

“Prison-building will need to be an essential commitment of any party serious about securing the popular vote and cutting crime in the next general election.”

Read the full article in The Telegraph here.

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