Categories: Weekly Roundup

The Public Safety Foundation


As we reach the halfway point in April, it was great to see yet more great activity across the UK focussed on making the streets safer.

Traffic Stops

The value of proactive traffic officers shouldn’t be underestimated – in this case, from Wiltshire, traffic cops there took an uninsured, speeding, drink-driver off the road. The driver was rightly arrested and the car was seized. Without doubt the actions of these police officers helping make our roads safer. As ever, we must rely on the courts to treat it as seriously as they should.

Stop and Search

Stop and search has again been in the news (when is it not?), but this week we saw yet again an example of what and who stop and search takes off the street. On this occasion, the Met Police Territorial Support Group (TSG) stopped two teenagers in central London at 1am and found them both already on bail for robbery. They were searched and this dangerous knife was recovered, with both teenagers arrested. Thank you to those officers for such great work!


Another week, and another great bit of work from a police dog supporting police officers. This time the arrest was in Northamptonshire, where two suspects were arrested and Police Dog Olly made sure that the drugs that had been discarded were swiftly recovered. Another police dog taking a bite out of crime!

Warrants and Raids

This week we congratulate police in Inverness who executed a warrant at two addresses in the Hilton area of Inverness. Large quantities of crack and heroin were seized, and two men were arrested and charged in relation to drugs offences. Drugs are not welcome in our neighbourhoods, no matter what some might say. More good work by crime-fighting cops!

Foot Patrol of the Week

As we move towards Summer, it’s great to see police officers out and about on foot patrol. This week’s award goes to Sgt Sarah Nash who took to the streets of Banbury, in Oxfordshire recently for some foot patrol. This week also saw Thames Valley Police, and their Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Barber, announce their shared vision to strengthen neighbourhood policing with an emphasis on fighting crime and making the streets safer. Very welcome news for local residents!

Community Payback

Finally, more great work cleaning up our streets, parks, and public spaces. In this case, probation in Swindon put convicted criminals to work cleaning up the town. We know that cleaner streets are safer streets, so we hope to see much more of this activity in the weeks, months, and years ahead!

If you’d like to see the work of you or your team featured in the Weekly Roundup, please connect with us via our social media, or drop us an email.

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