Categories: Weekly Roundup

The Public Safety Foundation


This week we’ve seen more great work in Taunton, Southwark, and Solihull. Police officers have taken weapons off the streets, while probation have cleaned up public spaces, making them safer for all.

Stop and Search

Police officers in Southwark stopped and searched a male and recovered this large knife and bags of drugs. There’s no excuse to be carrying such weaponry or drugs on our streets. The knife poses a very real risk to the person carrying it, and to the wider public. Similarly, cannabis is not a harmless drug – it is a dangerous one, with the evidence increasingly clear. Good to see that the cops charged the individual and remanded them in custody for the next available court – sending a clear message, that hopefully the courts will reinforce.

Warrant and Raids

Police officers in Solihull found even more drugs when they raided an address and found a large cannabis grow. Cannabis is a harmful, illegal drug. The use of the drug is linked to serious problems, particularly where the drug is strong, where the use is regular, and where the user is under 25. Furthermore, cannabis grows can sometimes be looked after by individuals who are being trafficked and exploited. Great to see the police in Solihull taking action in response to public concern.

Cleaner Streets are Safer Streets

Meanwhile, in Taunton, probation put convicted criminals to work – clearing up public paths and park areas. The evidence is clear that cleaner streets are safer streets, and so it’s great to see Community Payback undertaking work that visibly improves the streets and public spaces in and around Taunton. Keep up the good work!

If you’d like to see the work of you or your team featured in the Weekly Roundup, please connect with us via our social media, or drop us an email.

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