Categories: Weekly Roundup

The Public Safety Foundation


Another great week of police and other public safety professionals helping make the UK safer. Our highlights this week stretch from Swansea to Blackpool, and Peterborough to Wolverhampton. Thank you to all those who have been out this week to help make the UK the safest place to live, work and raise a family.

Foot Patrol of the Week

This week we commend PC Chadwick and PCSO Borthwick from the Gower Neighbourhood Policing Team in South Wales. They’ve recently been out and about on foot patrol, looking the part and with a friendly smile. Great work keeping Gower safe!

Community Payback

Great work making our streets cleaner and safer – this time from Peterborough, where probation have been using Community Payback to clean up the city centre, including removing graffiti. Brilliant work and hopefully much more to come. We know that cleaner streets are safer streets!


Traffic Stops

Eagle-eyed cops caught up with this van that had been seen fleeing the scene of a crime in Blackpool. On getting the vehicle safely stopped, it was searched and stolen property was recovered. Great work by traffic cops, helping deny criminals the use of the roads. The van itself was found to be stolen from West Yorkshire, and two people were arrested.

Stop and Search

Another week and another incredible example of how stop and search saves lives and makes our streets safer. Police officers in Birmingham recovered a loaded handgun from two known violent criminals during a stop and search. Remember, that our police officers are typically unarmed – and so officers put themselves at considerable risk in making our streets safer. Huge well done to PC Akhtar, PC Hundal, PC Sutheran and Sgt Duce.


After a taxi was stolen at knife-point in Wolverhampton, crime-fighting cops tracked down the two young suspects, arresting them, and charging them. Both were subsequently sentenced to 18 months in prison for various offences. A great example of what proactive crimefighting cops can achieve!

Warrants and Raids

Police in Kidderminster took the fight against crime to a local trading estate, where they raided an address to find and seize hundreds of cannabis plants. Three males were arrested and yet another example of the scale of organised crime and the vital importance of supporting our police to fight crime and disorder. Cannabis is not even close to being a harmless drug, so it’s brilliant to see these officers in West Mercia taking this action.

If you’d like to see the work of you or your team featured in the Weekly Roundup, please connect with us via our social media, or drop us an email.

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